Throwing stuff away. TRY IT, it's fun.
Getting ready to meet up with a friend down town. We'll grab something to eat and maybe go see a movie, depends on how much money I've got in the bank, so to speak.
Yesterday my best friend had her 18th birthday party and it was awesome at first but when I couldn't find niether my bag, niether my bag, I really freaked out. I'm spending some days alone at the apartment while the rest of the family is away, WHICH MEANS if my bag and bag was gone so was my keys and so was my place to sleep.
After a while, running around like a crazy person, I opened the huge trash can outside the building, throwing some empty beer cans in there I SAW IT.
Wow... so I found my stuff BUT ALSO... but also a lot of empty beers in it while people assume bags are for trash.
Oh, wonderful friends. Right?
So afraid to tell the world.

I've joined the whole LOOKBOOK thing now... wish me luck with that!
FanFic, much?
This is SO random. I put out a FanFic for people to have fun, read it, dream or whatever and they just totally starts fighting with each other about how I should have waited to put out the "next part" after people commented.
I don't get it.
I'm just laughing.